Enrichment Programs

School Professional Development

Elevating Education

LMO's School Staff PD and Team Building Initiatives

LMO’s commitment to professional development extends beyond the immediate classroom dynamics. We understand that educators play a multifaceted role in students’ lives, influencing their academic journey and socio-emotional development. Our training initiatives encompass elements of social-emotional learning, empowering educators to create nurturing environments that foster intellectual growth and emotional well-being.

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the role of school staff is pivotal. Recognizing the dynamic nature of this profession, LMO is dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of school staff through robust professional development and team-building initiatives.

What sets LMO apart is our commitment to tailoring professional development solutions to the unique needs of each school. Our team collaborates closely with school administrators to understand their staff’s specific challenges and aspirations. This collaborative approach ensures that the training aligns seamlessly with the school’s mission, vision, and the diverse needs of its educators and students.

Comprehensive Training Programs:

LMO’s Professional Development Initiatives encompass many crucial topics to equip educators with the tools they need for excellence. Our training programs go beyond traditional approaches, addressing contemporary challenges such as teaching culturally responsible curriculum, navigating the complexities of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and using attendance as a foundation for building a sense of community within the school.

Culturally Responsive Curriculum Training:

In our commitment to fostering inclusive learning environments, we provide specialized training on teaching culturally responsible curriculum. Educators gain insights into creating a curriculum that resonates with diverse student populations, ensuring that education is informative, culturally relevant, and empowering.

ACEs-Informed Practices:

Understanding the prevalence of ACEs among students, our professional development includes specialized training on trauma-informed practices. By equipping educators with the tools to recognize and address the impacts of trauma, we create classrooms that are not only academically enriching but also emotionally supportive.

Building Community through Attendance:

Our unique approach extends to recognizing the pivotal role attendance plays in building a sense of community within schools. We offer training on utilizing attendance data strategically, transforming it into a tool for fostering connection, engagement, and a positive school culture.

Team Building for Cohesive School Communities:

LMO understands that a cohesive school community is built on strong relationships among staff members. Our team-building initiatives are designed to cultivate effective communication, collaboration, and a shared vision among educators. By fostering a sense of unity, we lay the foundation for a school culture that thrives on collective efforts and mutual support.

  • Schools investing in professional development observe higher staff retention rates and increased job satisfaction among educators, contributing to a stable and motivated teaching faculty.
  • Educators who engage in ongoing professional development are shown to have a positive impact on student outcomes, with improved academic achievement, graduation rates, and socio-emotional development.
  • Professional development programs that focus on innovative teaching practices contribute to educators adopting new, effective methods in the classroom, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Educators exposed to training on diverse topics, including ACEs and culturally responsive teaching, demonstrate heightened adaptability and resilience in navigating the evolving landscape of education, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet the needs of every student.